Portrait of A. A. Akhmatova, Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova – description

Description of the picture:

Portrait of A. A. Akhmatova – Zinaida Evgenievna Serebryakova. Charcoal, sanguine, pastel on paper. 44 x 35 cm

A magnificent artistic masterpiece depicting the poetess Anna Akhmatova was created by Z.E. Serebryakova! How much strength, patience, industriousness and devotion to her work are in her!

A talented and gifted artist portrayed a wonderful creation inspired by the poetry of Anna Akhmatova. She was inspired by literature and art. Akhmatova was one of her favorite poets. In it, Zinaida was admired by the divine light of the soul, faith in love, stamina, fortitude and the eternal struggle against evil.

The portrait was created in St. Petersburg. It turned out remarkable, conveying the dreamy character of the great poetess and her penchant for philosophical reflection. She managed to artistically express in him all the noble features of Anna Akhmatova, her appearance and manners.

The poetess, leaning on her hand, looks thoughtfully into the distance, thinking about her life and work. This wonderful moment was captured by Zinaida Evgenievna on paper! Beautiful woman with simple features! Just a few ordinary lines and contours, and a wonderful image of the poetess appeared on the picture! Hair gathered in a bun, bangs falling on the forehead, thin eyebrows, deep eyes, a slight blush on the cheeks, a straight nose with a small hump, and tiny lips emphasize Anna’s kind and open character. She loved the world, people, nature, solitude. Extraordinary sensitive and pleasant person. Poetry shone her a guiding light for the rest of her days.

Z. E. Serebryakova created art work in St. Petersburg throughout the year. There were many drafts, sketches, drafts. The portrait of Anna Akhmatova is executed in red-brown lines, giving it a natural shade. Zinaida Evgenievna put a lot of zeal into her work. The picture was created on a light background. He gives the viewer joy and admiration.

The picture brings light, goodness, love, happiness. It inspires and encourages creativity. It combines all the best qualities of Anna Andreevna: mercy, caring, humanity, courage, adherence to difficult life circumstances. The portrait gives beauty and harmony, charges with favorable energy."