“Visit of Our Lady with Saints Nicholas and Anthony”, Piero di Cosimo – description of the painting

Description of the picture:

A visit to Our Lady with saints Nicholas and Anthony – Piero di Cosimo. 1480-1490.

Pierrot di Cosimo’s paintings are considered an example of the ancient system, showing the foundations of the artistic skills of Renaissance artists. The work was completed in six years, after which it was sold to a fur merchant. From that moment, the work never again returned to the workshop of the Florentine.

History of creation

The painting was painted for six years and all this time Pierrot di Cosimo received a certain fee every month, along the way, he was provided with paints. They were very expensive. Also, two assistants were assigned to the master. Young people who had to monitor the safety of work.

After three years of writing, the production stood up for exactly six months due to the fact that the author had virtually no other points of income. Piero di Cosimo never worked for free, and for this reason many people respected him.

Writing style

The painting was painted in four stages and many paints were spent on its production.

The first stage – two central figures, which were written exactly two years. It was necessary to detail their faces, since it is in them that important emotions are captured. Fragile lines that were not completed were selected.

The second stage – two figures on the edges. This stage took only one year, while the image of each old man corresponded four times. Outlines varied, but only the official clean-up appeared in the picture. Drawing clothes took the maximum amount of time, and you can see how their patterns differ from other, small objects, which spent less time on detailing.

The third stage is the left side of the background, the fourth is the right side. Piero di Cosimo wrote them in just two months."